17 Bit Software 3: The Continuation
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136 lines
* *
* fprintf - routine to call EXEC RawDoFmt to print to specified *
* output *
* *
* Parameters: *
* D0 = output vector *
* *
* A0 = ptr to format string *
* A1 = ptr to first parameter *
* *
* Return: *
* NONE *
* *
movem.l a2/a3/a6,-(sp)
bra.s pf1
* *
* printf - routine to call EXEC RawDoFmt to print to output *
* *
* Parameters: *
* A0 = ptr to format string *
* A1 = ptr to first parameter *
* *
* Return: *
* Write return code (modified by buffering scheme) *
* -1 = ERROR .. Disk Full, Device not Avail, etc *
* call IoErr() to find specific error *
* 0 = not defined *
* n = number of characters written *
* *
* Notes: *
* RawDoFmt requires 4 parameters: *
* A0 = ptr to format string *
* A1 = ptr to first parameter, stored in longword *
* format, with numbers actually stored, and *
* pointers to strings stored instead of the *
* strings themselves *
* A2 = ptr to routine to process characters as *
* they are generated by RawDoFmt *
* A3 = ptr to character buffer - convenient way *
* to pass a parameter to the routine whose *
* pointer is in A2 *
* *
movem.l a2/a3/a6,-(sp)
movem.l a0/a1,-(sp) ; save parameters
move.l DOSBase,a6 ; get base of dos.library
Call Output ; find current output vector
movem.l (sp)+,a0/a1 ; restore parameters
move.l d0,outvect ; save output vector
move.l _AbsExecBase,a6 ; get base of exec.library
lea store(pc),a2 ; put address of 'store' routine in A2
lea obuf,a3 ; put address of buffer in A3
clr.b -1(a3) ; and clear character count
Call RawDoFmt ; call "The Routine"
move.l oerr,d0 ; check the error code
bmi.s 1$ ; real error?
move.l totlen,d0 ; Nope. Get # characters written
movem.l (sp)+,a2/a3/a6
* store - the heart of the printf calls *
* *
* This routine is called by the RawDoFmt routine to *
* process each character as it is generated. *
* *
* Whereas I could have printed each character as it was *
* generated, the Amiga is VERY slow on single character *
* I/O, where it will print an entire line in about the *
* same time as it takes to print one character. *
* *
* Parameters: *
* RawDoFmt sends the character to process in D0.B, and *
* buffer pointer you sent it in A3 is passed through to *
* here unchanged, still in A3. *
* *
* When the RawDoFmt routine is through, it will send a *
* NULL ($00). *
* *
* Return: *
* NONE *
* *
* Notes: *
* You cannot change ANY register, except A3!!! *
* *
movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
moveq #0,d1 ; clear high portion of count
move.b -1(a3),d1 ; move actual char count to low byte
tst.b d0 ; NULL from RawDoFmt?
beq.s 1$ ; Yep, flush buffer & go home
move.b d0,0(a3,d1.W) ; store character in buffer
addq #1,d1 ; ...and add one to count
cmpi.b #80,d1 ; buffer full?
bne.s 3$ ; no, go on
tst.l oerr ; have we hit an error before?
bmi.s 2$ ; yep, skip this attempt
move.l DOSBase,a6 ; get base of dos.library
move.l d1,d3 ; put length in d3
move.l outvect,d1 ; put output handle in d1
move.l a3,d2 ; and buffer address in d2
Call Write ; and write it out!
move.l d0,oerr ; store the return code
bmi.s 2$ ; was it a real error?
add.l d0,totlen ; no, add to total chars written
moveq #0,d1 ; null count
move.b d1,-1(a3) ; store current count
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
DOSBase ds.l 1 ; storage for base address of 'dos.library'
outvect ds.l 1 ; storage for output vector for 'store' routine
totlen ds.l 1 ; total number of characters written
oerr ds.l 1 ; storage for return code from most recent 'Write'
olen ds.b 1 ; current length of characters in output buffer
obuf ds.b 80 ; output buffer